SW Austin - Watch Battery Change?


500+ Posts
Anyone know where I can go in and out and get this done quickly? Lots of good places downtown but looking for somewhere southwest. Thanks in advance.
I had a watch battery changed recently at the Radio Shack on Manchaca and Slaughter. The guy told me they weren't supposed to change them but he did it for me anyway (also I just had a fossil, nothing fancy). This guy looked like Al Pacino and sounded a lot like him too. Hoo aaa!
There's a store called Batteries Plus, and they'll do it in about 30 seconds for however much the battery costs. I think it was like seven bucks for me. There's one on S. Lamar, just south of Oltorf.
chuy, is Baskin Robbins doing a little jewelry bidness on the side now? Just kidding. Whereabouts exactly is this battery replacement place of which you speak?